Many previously-normal-seeming people are doing Simone Biles level of twists and spins to defend the inclusion of males (and thus the exclusion of females) from various Olympic events. The sports that we know for sure have been infiltrated are football and profesional face-punching, but there have been reports that there are other men in women’s female competitions - other contact sports, no less - that nobody has been able to get evidence of yet.
Not that the media has been looking for evidence. They’re behaving more like corporate partner influencers of the International Olympics Committee than actual reporters. The career-building copypastafarians who staff yer averge philanthropist-supported 2024 “news” operation are mostly just taking the minutes of the daily IOC pressers and Ctrl+Ving them onto the sports pages.
But it turns out that evidence wouldn’t matter, anyway. So if you’re an appalled citizen scouring the tracks, rings, pools, and beams for errant Adam’s Apples, give it up. Nobody will care. You could toss Imane Khelif’s and Lin Yu Ting’s small gametes into the laps of the BBC sports programmers and they would still marvel at how stunning and brave “she” is every time he lands a full-force fist on a woman’s jaw.
Their journalist would still use their slot at the much anticipated International Boxing Association press conference to growl and grandstand and then flounce out, rather than try to get to the truth about the suspicious jockstrap-wearing characters pretending to be butch lesbians for prize money.
Drip by drip, this will continue to be allowed to happen. Major institutions are all on board. Sport is for everyone!, they say, irrelevantly. Boys who can’t keep up in male divisions will join youth teams intended to encourage girls to participate in sports. The female category will end up an internal-testicle fest.
It might be slow, but the accelerationist character of the inclusion of males in fucking boxing in Paris this year will make it easier for the gradual dismantling of the female category in other less violent sports.
The Greek obgyn who spoke at the IBA’s news conference panel in Paris got it right when he said that the reason everyone is pretending not to know what a woman is is because they don’t want to lose their jobs and they don’t want to get bullied online. He’s right. That’s basically it.
Your elite institutions put garbage in (sex falsification) and now they are getting garbage out. But they’re all committed to the bit, and they won’t back down now. They signed the convention to de-binarise our sexed society. They funded and hosted the conference where the pact was signed. The IOC is on all the panels in all the global fora on development, business, climate, and so on. And they’re all completey gender-captured. LGBTIQ #inclusion in sport is the “key message”. They all hired token troons and enby loons and those freaks have all tantrumed their way to the top of the agenda in every board they joined.
Many people are going along with it, and a worrying number are cheerleading for it.
There was an obvious scramble after the first boxing preliminary rounds to figure out how to frame the male-female boxing matchup as DoublePlusGood, as opposed to the absolutely unjustifiable horseshit we all know it is. The first line-to-take was “this is not a trans issue so why are terfs talking about lol got you there haha”. But for people who care about women’s rights it was always about the folly of allowing people to choose their own sex identification. That was always the point. Sure, we spend a lot of time laughing at the Fishnet Freds who wash their hair with conditioner, but that’s just because it helps keep us sane.
Another apalogia-analysis emerged a bit later: why were we so obsessed with the men boxing women, and not the paedo who once flew to England to have sex with a 12-year-old girl? Steven van de Velde competed in the volleyball. Whatboutthat? they said, convinced of an open goal. Gotcha!
But that guy was booed at every turn. The crowd heckled him from the moment he stepped foot on the sand. They cheered raucously when his team was eliminated. Everyone - in the crowd, online, and around the world - let that scumbag know exactly how we, as a society, feel about what he did.
As an aside, I’m not even sure you can ban someone from the Olympics for having a criminal record for which you served your (apparently very short) prison time. What I do know is that you can very easily make a policy that prevents biological males competing against women.
But unlike the paedo, rather than being booed or even questioned, the male boxers are being celebrated as heroines by many in the omni-cause activist sphere. As neither of the males has come out as intersex, never mind transgender, nobody in the other camp really knows which brainless slogan to shout. All they know is that if TERFs are against it, then there must be transphobia involved. Or, get ready for another annoying neologism, it could be the dreaded, just made up intersexophobia.
We don’t know if the athletes in question have disorders of sexual development like balls-in-my-belly Caster Semenya’s 46 XY 5 ARD, or if they were too girly for their cultures and “raised as girls”. For all we know they could be autogynephiles, or just chancers. We don’t even really know to what extent they are at fault for the cheating they are engaged in. What we know is that they took the place of women at the Olympics, and the IOC is extremely cranky that we all noticed and we won’t shut up about it.
This development is terrible news for girls. Women in North Africa, in particular, in Imane Khelif’s corner of the world, are not typically involved in sports beyond high school. Levels of diabetes and obesity in countries in the region are testament to this. How can you convince young girls to get into sport when there’s a very big possibility the changing room will have at least one Imrane in a bollock-guard waiting to watch you strip?
It’s hard to tell to what extent the normies are okay with what’s happening. I’m quite honestly too afraid to ask. What I do know is that last Tuesday night, while I was sitting drinking a beer in my kitchen, I tapped out a tweet asking who wanted to go to Paris to be a noisy harpy bitch about it all for a couple of hours.
Reader, I got so many donations I was able to ship 10 TERFs to Paris three days later. The middle of summer, last minute, during the Olympics - the price of the flights and trains would make your eyes sting.
We rustled up banners, flyers, t-shirts, a megaphone. Someone printed out portraits of Angela Carini. Someone else printed out a shitload of leaflets from Sex Matters about DSDs and self-ID. Some random TERF on Twitter suggested a place to protest. No time for questions, no time to contact the police for authorisation. There was a fatal typo on the 500 postcards I’d had printed so I spent the enture Eurostar to Paris tipexxing it out. About five minutes before we went to the protest spot, we invented a chant and skulled a beer to calm our nerves.
Then we went out onto the Place de la Republique, climbed onto the plinth, and shouted obnoxiously about misogyny for about an hour. We got about as many middle fingers as we got whoop-whoops. We even gave some press interviews.
The police, to everyone’s shock, watched us for a bit and left us alone. A Parisienne lawyer TERF who had come along to protest told us she had seen a similar sized protest to ours shut down the day before - it was Christians protesting the sex clown show on the Seine. We didn’t expect to last 5 minutes.
We only disbanded when a ladyboy prostitute dressed in a hot pink tube dress barely covering his fauxgina - a man who works for one of the big pro-prostitution NGOs in France - rallied his transactivist buddies to come scream at us. They obliged, things got hairy, and we went back to our HQ, a pub run by friendly Kurdish men who couldn’t believe it when we told them why we were in Paris.
Later we hung the banner saying SAVE WOMEN’S SPORTS off the Pont Neuf bridge, with the very phallic Eiffel Tower standing erect in the background. The police, there too, were happy to let us do our thing. “People are claiming to be radiators, these days",” one moustachio’d gendarmerie told me disgustedly. I’m guessing that’s the French version of the attack helicopter meme.
Video by @JohnJamesNI
Anyway, tout ca pour dire that I think there are more people against this than are for it. There are probably even more men in the women’s categories in the Games that we don’t know about. I have suspicions about who they are, because I have eyes, but without evidence, of the type heroically uncovered by Reduxx that alerted the world to the two male boxers, I’m keeping quiet. Without proof, you get accused of policing women’s bodies. But my sense of self-preservation has evolved over a million years and it cannot be fooled by a couple of bows in a bloke’s hair.
If you’re in doubt about the global nature of the gender takeover, consider the fact that the gaudy drag queen nonsense that dominated the opening ceremony is the most American export ever. A few years ago, the idea that the arrogant French would pollute a showcase of their own culture with some American trash TV ripoff is laughable. And yet here we are.
So many things that once seemed impossible are now not just possible, but likely. If watching men steal the medals of women who trained all their lives to make it to an Olympic podium doesn’t peak the world, then nothing will.
Donating helps help fund my TERFxpeditions A big thanks for your support.
Wonderful protest, brava.
The reason it is so important to people that these athletes are "not trans" is because they know when they are lying about trans identified men they are just flat out lying on purpose. It does make them uncomfortable, at some level, to do that.
So it feels really good to them to crusade on behalf of these boxers without the ick of politically motivated lying. It really makes them feel super self-righteous about the rightness of their cause, they think: I can't believe you TERFs are mad at me even over THIS.
Of course for us terfs we just really are concerned with biological sex, so to us these cases are not importantly different. A man is entering women's space.
My mom forwarded an email from a friend of hers that included an explanation by a biologist (a prof at UNC-Asheville) that was "really clear". It was all the bafflegab about how things like Klinefelter's Syndrome mean sex is a spectrum and that anyway you don't have to totally understand all the intricacies of complex biology to be kind! All you have to do is know that is Complicated and also Be Kind!
(My mom is not fooled by this for a minute, but her friend clearly is)
Then there was the CBC journalist who opened his thinkpiece telling us we needed to concentrate on the 'actual protagonist' of the story: Khelif. In other words, if you just remind yourself of the eternal verity that women are emotional support animals for stories where men are the heroes, everything about how you should feel and respond to this situation falls into place!
Finally, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar today had a piece about how this is a story about people being mean to "two women" (the two boxers). So in his version, these are women who don't conform to society's expectations of womanhood and thus to be a Number One Cool Male Feminist (who has slept with 20k women by his own account) you need to lecture everyone else to relax and be cool about it.
I think the first example is someone who wants to be sophisticated and "kind". I think the second example is someone who does viscerally get that these are men, but *for that reason* hasn't looked into it any further to understand it better. The third example is someone who wants to be cool.
These are motivated misunderstandings but they aren't examples of "I know these guys are male and I am going to lie about it on purpose". I actually wonder if the Olympic situation is going to be bad for the TRA side in the long run, because many "allies" have found it such a delight to argue these instances and they may remember that feeling when they are back to arguing Lia Thomas style examples, which give you much less sciencey sounding self righteous bafflegab to work with.
"The female category will end up an internal-testicle fest." Lol - brilliant! But sadly also the very probable, horrible scenario that is laid out now. Thank you, brave women, for taking the fight heroically to the streets of Paris! We will not let this injustice to women stand