Let them eat c*ck
Elite women can't imagine not being able to pay their way out of a shitty situation
Last week a bunch of survivors of the commercial sex trade flew to Brussels to protest in front of the European Parliament. They were campaigning against proposed amendments to a draft law that could lead to the decriminalisation of prostitution. Rachel Moran, who was prostituted in brothels for many years, watched as a well-heeled EU fonctionnaire on a nice bike shouted as she cycled past the protesters: “I think they like to be called ‘sex workers’”
Rachel was not impressed. Who the fuck did this woman think she was? Later, at a press conference, she recounted the story of the woman on the bike. “Let them eat cock, they tell you,” said Rachel of the well-meaning but oblivious progressive politicians and lobbyists. Well I have a message for you: “Eat it yourself!”
The image was stark. The well-coiffed bike woman had clearly not been plucked from a Dublin housing estate riddled with heroin addiction; her daughter hadn’t been trafficked from a Romanian village to a Berlin brothel; her sister would never be promised the world by a sociopathic pimp. So it was easy for her to believe that the sale in women’s bodies is a victimless pursuit, another “my body my choice” type feminist cause.
These women are everywhere in Brussels, and their purportedly sex-positive view of the institutionalisation of women-as-chattel makes them perfect vehicles for the men’s rights movement that has taken over EU bodies.
What else do these women think is progressive? Gender-affirming care, a euphemism for denying the right of children to discover their sexuality while getting them on a lifetime regime of drugs. They also support the erasure of women as a sex class; adding males to the category “woman” and then forcing actual women to make do with the “biological” qualifier.
Yes, these women claim to be of the left.
They make and influence laws for women who they have never met, and whose lives they cannot fathom — with the exclusive exception of the cleaners and nannies that run their households. They switch on their laptops every Monday morning and spend eight hours sharing social media graphics and position papers that reflect the demands of billionaire men. They go to astro-turfed “activist” events with “You go girl!” titles to talk on panels about how obliterating the meaning of “woman” as a definition in life and law is a feminist issue.
The money for these events comes from the same laundry list of horny old octogenarians, who dangle grants in front of struggling non-profits in return for tweaking their message to match their own.
And if you try to point out that the Open Society Foundations is one of the worst offenders, you get accused of anti-semitism, because OSF was founded by King of the Pimps, George Soros, who is apparently Jewish. You see, Soros escaped the Nazis, and that’s why it’s totally cool for him to fight for your daughter to be taught that being a good blowjob-giver is a legit career upskill.
The women who make the rules don’t know anything about the women they make the rules for. Working class (and especially what’s known as “underclass” women, among whom I grew up) will bear the brunt of their feel-good policies, and the worst is yet to materialise. (When I challenge women about this, they tell me they worked part-time in a cafe during their Greek Literature Masters Degree, which they think basically makes them chavs.)
Puberty blockers, surgeries, erasure of the existence of “woman”, the sale of women’s bodies to violent johns - these are the civil rights causes the grotty old horndogs have sold to young, intelligent women who staff our major institutions The philanthropist funders call it bodily autonomy so that the Erasmus-educated pussy-hat property-inheritors will absolutely lap it up.
The relatively miniscule number of “happy sex workers” that the pimp lobby regularly rolls out by rote doesn’t reflect the reality of the millions of women and girl enslaved in brothels around the world. The successful OnlyFans creators are shiny PR. The professional escorts who enjoy escorting are outliers. And the peace-and-love Green Party dolts don’t see that the pimp lobby is selling them a misogynist’s dream.
“As a survivor of incest and prostitution I am terrified that kids are learning from the media that prostitution can be equated to ‘sex’ and normalised,” said a woman called Alexine who spoke about her experience at the event at the European Parliament.
The right-on peace-and-love thugs on the maniacal pseudo-left think: well if you decide, ultimately, that you don’t want to be a sex worker, then just focus on different career objectives, girl!
Likewise, if you get perved on in Primark in the shopping centre in your housing estate, just jump on your €4k electric bike and head to the nicer mall. Yes it’s a bit further away, but the babysitter can pick up the kids from school. And if you’re late back for dinner, well we can just order out. And if the kids end up staying up too late as a result, and everyone is tired in the morning, well we can take the car to school instead and then pick them up early so they don’t get too tuckered out.
There is a paradox: some women are so privileged that they are shielded from the terrible consequences of their advocacy. But others are so hyper-aware of their privilege (because they have mainlined critical social justice) that they are convinced that the hardship trans “women” go through is the cause to beat all causes. Intersectional human rights indoctrination told them being cis and being white and being a woman puts you plenty of pegs below the raging pervert in sparkly hotpants who loves to offer tampons to girls in public toilets.
It’s not their daughters who are going to be at risk. These women can simply up sticks. No matter where they go, there will always be plenty of work for useful elite idiots whose denial of biological reality has fuck-all relevance to their daily lives.
I understand your rage and outrage at those women who are so desperate for male approval, or who are so unquestioningly self-involved and congratulatory of their own fake self-righteous performance, or those who are cynically opportunistic, mercenary or ambitious careerists driven to making it in a man's world or are just weak, maybe sycophantic, always willing to pander to the more powerful. Still, don't we have higher standards for women? We have to accept that there are some women who willingly betray other women. We can expose them , but we can't lose sight of the real enemies of women. I'm sure many men would like to see us focus our wrath on other women, as I've frequently observed, but that may play into the hands of the real puppet-masters. No matter the lofty status of any woman she may still be subjected to rape, domestic violence, sexual harassment or be used as the scapegoat for the failures of the men around her. As a working-class woman who's spent more than half a century fighting male violence against women the sting of betrayal by such women is deeply painful. Yet, I know many well-intentioned women fed into the present situation by claiming that women are the same as men, ignoring or denying biological differences and the uniqueness of the evolutionary development of the sexes. Biological essenialism or determinism was a potent slur to shut up feminists who dared mention unique characteristics generally expressed by women rather than men. Women like Alice Rossi were attacked by other feminists for such unacceptable opinions. Others were silenced and shunned for entertaining any suggestion of biological differences. As you might deduce, condemning the idea that women differ in any way from men is truly internalized misogyny. Are the qualities we generally see more of in women like nurturing so unattractive that we should disown them? If men have more physical strength is that necessarily any better than women frequently having better endurance? Only if you have internalized misogyny and consider qualities associated with women to be inferior. This is what men have done for centuries, so some women have bought into it. Now some men have painted women into a corner where they have to admit they were wrong about women being the same as men or embrace the female qualities that male supremacists have irradicably vilified. It will entail a sea change for women (and men) to accept and affirm that femaleness has it's own value, but does not disqualify women from fully participating in all intellectual and physical activities they feel called to.
Apropos title for this well written piece~!