This is uncomfortable to admit, but I have observed that women have a tendency, more than men do, to align themselves with and support the views of men who they perceive as threatening. Maybe the evolutionary biology explanation for this is kind of obvious - women typically don’t have the physical strength and size to fight back against aggressive men, so those with a psychological tendency to align with those men survived. I feel some of this is what’s going on with the trans movement. If you become an ally, spreading and enforcing the ideology, trans women (aka men, some of them aggressive) won’t target you. You’ve made yourself useful to them.

It takes a brave woman, or a woman who perceives the threat to herself or her children to be greater from the ideology itself, to fight back. To some degree whether a mom accepts and affirms their child’s trans identity depends on whether they see the bigger threat as being the trans ID and medicalization, or the bigger threat as being trans people and the overall culture that will vilify and attack anyone who doesn’t go along.

For me, whose daughter’s adoption of a trans ID was accompanied by a total mental breakdown, the trans ideology was obviously the bigger threat to my child. I don’t claim to be braver - maybe I would have been those affirming moms if my situation had been different.

I don’t agree with my daughter, but it’s been four years now. She’s now an adult and still clinging to this coping mechanism. I can only pray that someday I will be the mom burning chest binders in the yard and I will have my daughter back. I dream of that.

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Sep 8, 2023·edited Sep 8, 2023

Sort of OT, but someone should look into the dynamics of how human women egg each other on (online groups, affirmation sessions and women's behavior at strip clubs, for instance) from the way men do (sports fans).

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I feel the same sorrow you describe about the appendix scar when I reflect on my parenting mistakes, and I see the anguish and darkness these parents will face in the future. It will be an unfathomable pain, but I fear many more will fall into this abyss in the next few years.

Helen Joyce nailed why this wretched movement will survive for some time - these women completely paralyze institutions and social groups with their “trans kid” story. To speak honestly in front of the parents (or mutual friends who donate money for their daughter's double mastectomy) is to confront them with what they have done - enabled a monstrous human rights abuse against a child.

When the clinicians and NGOs are gone, and social media accounts and websites are scrubbed of this social contagion, and their children eventually ask, “How? Why?”, the agony these mothers feel will be unbearable.

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It's so sad that we keep murdering trans people! Why are we so murderous? Why don't we stop killing them? We could merely sit down, shut up, and divert the attention of easily abused autistic children into gender fun, which is totally acceptable. And perhaps go out and burn down a lesbian bar, because God forbid that real women have any autonomy. Oh silly us! Oh silly we! Oh silly hee hee

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Spot on, Róisín. Have you come across PITT Parents? They have a book out with stories of parents struggling to deal with their children who’ve been captured by this evil cult. It’s absolutely heartbreaking.

I feel strongly that the tide is beginning to turn. So many people are not just waking up but actively campaigning against the whole trans ideology.

Don’t know if you’re aware of: mr menno, The EDI Jester, Clive & Dennis of The Queen’s Speech. They’re funny while dismantling the BS of trans.

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There is no such thing as "trans." It simply doesn't exist.

These aren't "trans" kids. That is simply a symptom of a deeper problem--sexual abuse, pornography addiction, etc. And the same thing applies to adults.

None of it is real.

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This documentary offers a unique American twist on this topic. A must-watch. https://www.pbs.org/independentlens/documentaries/mama-bears/

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