Shame on Germany!!How on earth have these perverted men been able to even suggest let alone create, such grotesque & perverted policies and laws without immense pushback from the masses?! Society really is asleep at the wheel ffs! Thank you for reporting and sharing, Róisín, Rona & Judith - solidarity and strength! XX

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Germany also had Hitler! Let’s hope this time there enough people to vote this down! Never have I heard of such complete Scheisse!

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violence against women incarnate in these laws - erasure of women and our biological necessity is a huge mistake - taking respect from senior women all over vile violent Netflix type storylines too - trolling somewhat outsiders who happen to be plainer women like that doco bout some poor woman claimed to be a stalker - then shes hounded mercilessly by online trolls and she turns out to be an ex aquaitance of said comedian and maybe liked the bloke initially and he egged her on and she maybe sent him too many emails ?? but its been used and her life is ruined for simply daring to engage or daring to be plain

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Holy Fledermaus-Scheiß-Verrücktheit, Batman!

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Apr 11Edited

2018, the "conservative" government under Angela Merkel was able to stop the first attempt of a Self-ID Law, proposed by The Green Party (Die Grünen), The Left (die Linke) and the FDP (Liberals). Voice of reason was Dr Alexander Korte, Chief Psychiatrist for the Youth Department of the Ludwig-Maximilian- University in Munich. Korte, working since over 20 years with Gender Dysphoric kids and the only true expert on that field, had send following paper, to the German Bundestag parliament. Now, Korte gets silenced and Germany is again a late nation. https://www.bundestag.de/resource/blob/802752/8fe155e6f019c4734ae2aa92efe2f505/A-Drs-19-4-626-C-neu-data.pdf

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This is why the conservatives need to get back in power.

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The analysis by the three ladies in the last few minutes was spot on. At bottom, this whole movement is male entitlement raising two fingers to the female sex. That there are women who call themselves feminists agitating on behalf of AGPs and other fetishists boggles the mind. If women collectively said 'no' to this dangerous nonsense, it would all be over tomorrow.

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Great interview! What a shit show in Germany! Since the Greens have more power there, things are getting over the top! I can't believe how 'progressive' this country has become. I'm Dutch (living in Australia) used to progressive excesses, but this is insane! Which you tube channel do they use for live streaming tomorrow's action? Go Sisters! Take care..... Margo xx

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The EU/WEF global tranny indoctrination program takes hold in Germany. Insanity.

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Good luck 💚🤍💜

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Can you point me to the actual law that passed?

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Seriously, if I'm going to share this, I'd like to get the source info. All the online coverage I've been able to find refers to the unfortunate self-ID bill, but I can find nothing to corroborate the claim that parents now get to choose the sex of their children. These are both insane, but the latter is a new breed of insane. Did this really happen? Thanks in advance for helping me track down the actual legislation.

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Auf Deutsch of course... they have an English language version of the website - you may have to browse around to find the doc.

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I still can't find the section that says that parents can select their child's "gender" at birth and that, at age 5, the child can elect to review their decision.

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