17 hrs ago·edited 17 hrs agoLiked by Róisín Michaux

You do a great job here tying together threads of history and linguistic trickery.

If I remember correctly, when I was reading feminist writings in the 80s and 90s, the word gender was most often used as a VERB to describe a cultural phenomenon as "gendered" feminine or masculine. For example, housework has been "gendered female," and short hair has been "gendered male." To say something is "gendered" is a way to de-naturalize sex-role arrangements, to insist that they are merely social and cultural conventions to be critiqued, changed, and rejected. Somehow gender degraded into a noun, an entity, and now serves to reinforce those sex-role arrangements.

Because apparently, the evil rule is that everything women accomplish must be taken from them.

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Hilarious and smart essay looking forward to the listen.

I don’t mind being called anti-gender. I am. Being lumped in with anti reproductive rights zealots: well I think people are catching on that this is not a thing, radfems are not secret agents of the Vatican, and trans activists just lie a lot.

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You can't make this shit up!

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20 hrs ago·edited 20 hrs ago

This was a great podcast/interview! Very thought-provoking, especially for someone like me, not new to this stuff who thinks she's heard and seen it all, but hasn't! The idea of a sexual plaything colony within a country is new to me and spot on. Seeing as how men most likely have a greater sex drive at least because they can't get pregnant like women can, I can see that compulsory heterosexuality comes into this someplace, because men could turn to each other and probably would, if not for that. So some resort to trans prostitutes, keeping it in shame and secrecy, which hurts everyone. Also I think men can be more prone to sex addictions, for various unaddressed psychological reasons, and unfortunately, like you say, it's catered to instead of faced up to. Also just to say that you two were also very funny at times, in spite of the serious topics covered -- I LOLed when Roisin said "a sh*tload of men." Thanks, and keep up the good work. Best wishes to you both ❤️👍🏼

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You're doing such important work! Much gratitude for this. xx

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Please define GAMP?

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Thank you for having me on and for the great discussion!!

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Brilliant article. I’m delighted that women of this intellect and ability to produce such readable writings is anti-gender movement.

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